How to care for your paint brushes

Oct 17, 2018 | News

To achieve a great paint finish every time, always work in sections and only paint until you see a natural break before stopping. Do not paint over any areas that are partially dry as this will result in brush marks on the surface. If you notice any drops or runs in the wet paint, try to paint over them as soon as possible to avoid unsightly paint surfaces with light even strokes. Paint runs usually occur from applying too much paint to the surface or incorrect application.

So what is the correct way to use a Brush?

Before you think about dipping your paint brush into the paint follow these easy steps below:

  1. Flick the bristles back and forth to remove any dust or lose brush bristles.
  2. Slightly dampen the brush with water especially if you are using a water-based paint. Squeeze any excess liquid from the brush before you commence painting. (Wetting the brush helps moistens the bristles and filaments to welcome the paint more easily and readily for painting).
  3. Dip the brush half the length of the bristles in the paint. (Remember – Before you begin to paint, stir the paint with a paint stirrer and not the brush!).
  4. Tap the brush gently on the side of the can to remove any excess paint. Do not wipe the brush against the side or lip of the can (this will result in too much paint being removed from the brush).
  5. As you begin to paint, slightly flex your brush. Do not press firmly on the brush as you paint, allow the paint to flow from the brush to the surface that requires painting.
  6. Start painting from the top and work your way down. Keep a consistent light stroke as you work. Remember to work the paint into the wet edge to ensure seamless blending. Remember to paint with the brush tips and not the sides of the brush.

With the painting job completed now comes the part most people dread…cleaning up!

Quality brushes can be used for many years, so caring for them is vital. Start by:

  1. Cleaning your brushes immediately after use. Forgetting to clean a brush often means buying a new one. Follow all directions on labels and datasheets on how best to clean your brush. The longer the paint stays on the brush the more thoroughly you will need to clean it. Neglecting  or not thoroughly cleaning your brushes over an extended period of time will mean your brush will be ready for the garbage bin.
  2. Clean the brush by removing excess paint. Scrape the brush against the edge of the paint can to remove any large amounts of paint. Work out most of the remaining paint by painting sheets of newspaper brushing back and forth in an “X” motion until the brush is dry.
  3. Clean your brushes with either a brush cleaner or solvent and soapy water (refer to datasheets) through the bristles of the brush, down to the ferrule – follow up with a thorough rinsing of lukewarm to cool water until there is no trace of paint or suds left. Do not allow a brush to soak in water for a prolonged period of time. If you are between painting sessions, you will still need to do this.
  4. The ferrule (base of the brush) is important for maintaining a brushes’ shape, it is also the hardest part to clean! Any residual paint left in that area will eventually result in the bristles being unable to come together at the top and spread the brush apart until it no longer holds its base. Thoroughly clean this area.
  5. Slap the brush against your hand a few times to bring the bristles back into alignment and then reshape the brush.
  6. Wrap the brush within a paper towel or a sheet of newspaper and secure with a piece of tape or rubber band.
  7. Store clean brushes vertically head side up or horizontally. Not complying with this type of storage can lead to the brushes becoming deformed.


  1. Never stir paint with your brush – this is one of the quickest ways to damage your paint brush.
  2. Do not soak your brush in water for a prolonged period – this can damage the ferrule by absorbing and swelling the base, resulting in loose bristles.
  3. Do not allow your brush to harden with paint – this will result in throwing your brush in the garbage!
  4. Never allow the brush to rest on its bristles – this will deform and damage them.
  5. Always remember to remove excess water and reshape the brush to ensure longevity.